
Software Security Statement

Software Security Statement

Last updated: September 28, 2024

Security Policies and Compliance

Our organization maintains a robust set of information security policies as part of our Information Security Management System (ISMS). These policies provide clear guidance to management and staff on protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of customer data. We regularly review and update our security policies to ensure they remain current.

Our goal is to achieve ISO 27001 certification in the future, demonstrating our commitment to information security best practices. Our privacy practices comply with relevant regulations like GDPR.

Access Control

We implement strict access control measures, including:

Software Development

Our secure development lifecycle incorporates security at every stage:

Infrastructure Security

We employ multiple layers of security controls:

Incident Management

We have established processes for identifying, containing, assessing and responding to potential security incidents. This includes notifying affected customers and conducting post-incident reviews.

Third-Party Security

We carefully vet our technology providers and require them to meet our security standards. Our cloud infrastructure is hosted with leading providers like Amazon Web Services (for Microsoft and GitHub) and Hetzner (for Virtual Machines) that maintain best-in-class security practices.

Ongoing Commitment

Information security is a top priority for our organization. We are committed to maintaining a strong security posture through continuous improvement of our policies, processes and technical controls. We welcome any questions about our security practices and are happy to provide additional details to users as needed.

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